Diagnostic Center

The headquarter of EcoSense Laboratory and Diagnostic Center is located at 7/3 Hrachya Qochar street, where in addition to laboratory tests, comprehensive range of medical services is being carried out, including specialized medical consultation, diagnostic examination with the best and modern medical instruments from the top producers.


 ● Doppler echocardiography of vessels (triplex scanning)

 ● Fetus 3D sonography

 ● Sonography of all organ systems

 ● FibroScan liver test

 ● Elastography (Shear wave)

 ● ECG, Echocardiography

 ● Cardiac stress test (Treadmill test)

 ● Holter Monitor ECG

 ● Electroneuromyography

 ● Electroencephalography

 ● Appointments with doctors (cardiologist, gynecologist, therapeutist-rheumatologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, ENT specialist)